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SajFit Herbal All Purpose Multi-Vitamin


his herbal all purpose multi vitamin compound was created to increase energy flow, repair, strengthen and boost the immune system, purify the blood, boost strength & endurance and to promote electricity to the heart, brain and other primary organs of the body. Promoting overall increased health & wellbeing, longevity & vitality! As this being an […]


his herbal all purpose multi vitamin compound was created to increase energy flow, repair, strengthen and boost the immune system, purify the blood, boost strength & endurance and to promote electricity to the heart, brain and other primary organs of the body. Promoting overall increased health & wellbeing, longevity & vitality! As this being an all purpose multi-vitamin, it helps replenish the body with all its proper minerals, trace minerals and metals such as Iron, Zinc, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium, Selenium, Calcium and more. CAPSULE- comes in individualized separate capsules. CAPSULE-LESS- comes in powder form to add to beverage spring water or organic fruit juice. Staying hydrated is vital while consuming herbal compounds. Good for all (man, woman, teenager). Not to be consumed while pregnant, nursing, or intentions to become pregnant within 3 weeks time.


Sean recommends healthy lifestyle modifications, cleansing and detoxing with herbs before taking any vitamins for bet results. All though it is not needed, detoxing the colon of old fecal matter and waste will allow better absorption of the vitamins & minerals into the body from the whole foods and natural supplements for better utilization of them. Simply taking the vitamins & minerals is not always enough depending on ones current health condition. Without proper utilization the body will not be operating at its highest level for maximum output. If you are interested in detoxing before or while on all purpose multi vitamin check out our rejuvenation detox program in our catalog.


This product is for informational purposes only. SAJFIT LLC is not responsible for the utilization of the information and products herein. This information is not a substitute for medical advise by a licensed physician. If one is allergic to any of the ingredient stop consuming immediately and contact your primary carer physician Personal results may vary. These statements have not been FDA evaluated. This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Ingredients: Wildcrafted Irish moss, Bladderwrack, Dulse, Sarsaparilla, Ashwagandha root, Ginger root, Elderberries, Goji berries, Cayenne pepper, Alfalfa root


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